What is Sputum ?

What is Sputum Test ?

What is Sputum – Sputum is a thick fluid that is produce in the respiratory system, specifically in the lungs and the airways leading to the lungs. It is known as phlegm. Sputum consists of mucus, saliva, dead cells and other debris that are cough up from the lower respiratory tract. The production of sputum … Read more

Hinged Knee Brace

Best Hinged knee Brace

A hinged knee brace is a type of orthopedic device design to provide support and stability to the knee joint. It consists of a rigid frame with hinges that allow for controlled movement of the knee while limiting certain motions that may be harmful or painful. Hinged knee brace amazon Amazing Key features and benefits … Read more

Unlocking Shoulder Power: The Hidden Role of Your Scapula

Scapula Bone

Unlocking Shoulder Power: The Hidden Role of Your Scapula – scapula bone also known as the shoulder blade, is a large triangular-shaped bone located on the posterior (back) aspect of the shoulder. It plays a very important role in the movement and stability of the shoulder joint. Let’s explore the anatomy of scapula bone : … Read more

What is Tingling and Numbness

Tingling and Numbness

What is Tingling and Numbness – Tingling and numbness are symptoms that can occur for various reasons. They are often associated with a sensory disturbance or abnormal sensation in the affected area. what causes numbness and tingling in arms and hands: It is essential to pay attention to any accompanying symptoms such as weakness, pain, … Read more

What is Pleural Effusion

What is Pleural Effusion

what is Pleural effusion – It is refers to the buildup of excess fluid in the pleuralspace, a thin, fluid-filled space between the layers of tissue that line the lungs and the chest cavity. The pleural space normally contains a small amount of fluid which helps in lubricating the movement of the lungs during breathing. … Read more

Lumbo pelvic rythm ?

Lumbo pelvic rythm

Lumbo pelvic rythm – The lumbo pelvic rhythm refers to the coordinated movement and interaction between the lumbar spine (lower back) and the pelvis during certain functional movements. such as walking or bending forward. It describes the relationship between the movement of the lumbar spine and the movement of the pelvis. During normal gait (walking), … Read more

What is BPPV ?

What is BPPV ?

What is BPPV – B.P.P.V known as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. It is a common disorder of the inner ear that causes brief episodes of vertigo (a spinning sensation) triggered by certain head movements or changes in position. BPPV occurs when tiny calcium crystals called otoliths, or sometimes referred to as canaliths, become dislodged from … Read more

What is general anaesthesia ?

what is general anaesthesia ?

What is general anaesthesia ? – General anesthesia is a medical state induced in a patient to allow for surgical procedures or other medical interventions that would otherwise cause significant pain or discomfort. It involves the use of medications to render the patient unconscious, unaware, and without sensation during the procedure. During general anesthesia, a … Read more

What is parkinson’s disease ?


What is parkinson’s disease ? Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder which will affects the central nervous system. Parkinson’s disease primarily affects the motor system, leading to a range of symptoms that worsen over time. The exact cause of Parkinson disease is still not known, but it is believe to a combination of genetic and … Read more

Genu recurvatum ?

genu recurvatum

Genu recurvatum ? In Genu recurvatum hyperextension of the knee will occur , It is a condition in which excessive backward bending of the knee joint. It is the opposite of genu flexum where the knee is unable to fully extend and remains in a bent position. In genu recurvatum the knee joint extends beyond … Read more