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What is Dialysis ?

What is Dialysis

  • It is a medical procedure which help individuals whose kidneys are not functioning properly.
  • It is a process that involves removing waste products Like extra fluids and toxic materials from the blood
  • When kidneys are not able to perform there function properly
  • Dialysis will help to maintain proper electrolyte balance and control blood pressure in body.

Types of Dialysis

There are two main types of dialysis

  • Hemodialysis
  • Peritoneal dialysis.


In this blood will be remove from the patients body and it will circulate through a machine known as dialyzer or artificial kidney.

The dialyzer acts as a filter which removing waste products and extra fluids from the blood from patients body .

The cleaned blood is then returned back to the patient’s body.

it is typically perform in a dialysis center or multi-speciality hospital and the sessions usually last around 4 -6 hours several times a week.

Peritoneal dialysis:

It involves using the lining of the abdomen which is called the peritoneum which acts as a natural filter.

A sterlized dialysis solution will introduced into the abdominal cavity of the patient through a catheter unit.

Waste materials and extra fluids pass from the blood vessels to the peritoneum into the dialysis solution.

After a few hours the used solution will be drain and fresh solution will be introduce in it .

It can be performed at home also providingthe greater relaxation in treatment schedules of the patient.

Artificial Kidney –

An artificial kidney also known as a renal replacement device is an amazing innovative technology .

That aims to mimic the functions of a natural or real kidney.

It is being developing as an alternative to traditional dialysis method.

The goal of an artificial kidney is to provide a more effective and most convenient treatment method for patients with kidney failure.

Several resaerches are being explored in the development of artificial kidneys.

One method is involving and creating a device that mimics and acts as filtration and reabsorption functions of the kidneys using specialized artificial membranes and bio-engineered materials.

Another approach involves developing implantable or wearable devices that utilize amazing technologies

Like nano-technology or bioartificial organs to perform the functions of a natural or real kidney.

The development of artificial kidneys is still a work which are in a progress .

Researches and clinical trials are constantly running to refine and improve these type of technologies.

The ultimate aim is to provide Patients with kidney failure a more effective and less burdensome treatment than traditional dialysis improving their quality of life.